Episode 74: New Thoughts Are Everywhere
Jul 30, 2022
Where do you get new thoughts? Well, EVERYWHERE! Today on the podcast, I’m talking about how some of the best thoughts that can redefine how we live our lives are right in front of us. And I’m pointing you to my favorite movies, books, and songs of the summer that might just be the inspiration you need.
I’m working on something special for all you parents out there: (CLICK HERE)
I’m also working on something awesome for all of you who want to reach BIG goals this semester: (CLICK HERE)
Books Recommendations:
The Midnight Library
Shoe Dog
The Impossible First
The Alchemist
A Picture of Dorian Gray
Movies Recommendations:
Everything, Everywhere, All At Once
It’s A Wonderful Life
Family Stone
Song Recommendations:
100 Bad Days - AJR
Be Still - The Killers
scream! - Judah and the Lion
Heroes - Peter Gabriel (David Bowie)
Awake My Soul - Mumford and Sons
Experience the Power of Coaching for Yourself!
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in just 30 minutes.
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